Although this journal is being presented as a Keto Journal you can use it in pretty much any diet niche there is out there.
Your audience will be able to track their intake of protein, fat, carbs and calories no matter which diet they are following.
This 6″x9″ – 116 page journal includes:
- A Daily Food Tracker
- A Daily Habit Tracker
- A Daily Exercise Tracker
- A Daily Mood Tracker
- A Weekly Meal Planner
- A Shopping List of Keto & Low Carb Friendly Foods
- A Blank Shopping List for Them to Fill In
- Journal Pages With Thought Provoking Questions
- Recipe Pages to Record Their Favorite Recipes
- Before and After Picture Pages
They can use the weight loss and body measurement tracker to stay motivated.
They can use the habit tracker to make sure they are instilling healthy habits into their diet.
They can track their moods, their thoughts and write down their favorite recipes as well.
By the end of their 21 days they will have a real handle on the Keto Way of Eating or any other way of eating they may be using.
These types of journals sell extremely well on Amazon and elsewhere!
I uploaded one journal to Amazon to make sure there were no issues with margins and the covers and it sold the same day it went live!
Here is everything included in this PLR Package:
Ready made journal in PDF & PNG formats as well as the Powerpoint source files in green and in black and white.
2 eCovers – PNGs/PSD/JPG
3 Covers Sized For a 6″x9″ – 116 Page Journal (PSDs)
Images To Use in the Journal or on the Covers or anywhere else you’d like to use them
Grab your Diet Journal PLR Package today, customize them any way you like. Create 30 day, 60 day, 90 day journals by duplicating pages, add your brand and get your journals up and selling.
Summer season is just around the corner and although these journals are evergreen there’s always a big push to be in our best shape for Summer!
BONUS! 10 Social Media Quote Images you can use in your journals, on your website, on your social media sites.
You CAN create UNLIMITED journals for your own personal use.
You CAN create UNLIMITED journals to sell as printable PDF files in your Etsy store, on your own website or sell the COMPLETED journals as hard copies on Amazon or anywhere else you like.
You CAN create COMPLETED journals for your clients
You CAN give your COMPLETED journals away (as gifts, as lead magnets, as a bonus, etc.)
You CAN use the images in an unlimited number of journals as you like without attribution.
The only restrictions are that you CANNOT: 1) give away or sell the PLR to this package 2) give away or sell the source files (templates or graphics).
Refund Policy: Due to the nature of PLR Content, no refunds are offered.