What is Shiny New Object Syndrome (SNOS)? It’s that familiar situation where we, as low/medium content publishers, abandon one project and quickly move on to the next, more enticing one. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. I deal with this almost every day. It can be fun trying out new things but it’s important to recognize that SNOS is often a distraction that hinders our success and prevents us from achieving our big goals.

Let’s take a minute to reflect on our entrepreneurial journey. Have you noticed how easily we jump from one thing to another whenever a shiny new idea catches our attention? This is the effect of SNOS, urging us to dig deeper into these impulsive switches. The truth is, those who persevere through tough times and stay committed to their goals are the ones who succeed in the digital world.

So, what’s the deal with shiny new object syndrome? Why do we fall into its trap?

1. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Witnessing the achievements of other folks can often act as a catalyst for doubt about our own paths. When we see peers celebrating big wins—whether it’s launching a successful new book series, hitting bestseller lists, or unlocking new revenue streams—it can trigger a fear of missing out. This fear isn’t just about envying their success; it’s a deep worry that we might be missing out on critical opportunities ourselves. This can lead us to impulsively abandon our current projects, believing that we must switch strategies or jump into new markets to catch up, often at the cost of our ongoing work which might only need more time or refinement to succeed.

2. Instant Gratification: In our world of low content publishing, where passive income streams like books, journals, or printables are the norms, financial stability isn’t guaranteed. The lack of regular paychecks can make the allure of ‘quick cash’ schemes very tempting. Entrepreneurs might find themselves constantly searching for the fastest way to turn a profit, hopping from one strategy to another in search of immediate rewards. This quest for quick success often leads to a cycle of short-term planning and could prevent publishers from developing a long-term strategy that could yield much greater rewards over time.

3. Easy Does It: Everyone naturally likes a smoother, easier path—it’s just human nature, right? And this is especially true if you’re running your own gig in the entrepreneurial world. When faced with challenges or after experiencing failures, the smoother, seemingly easier routes can appear more attractive. These might come in the form of a new tool that promises to automate your workflow, a course that claims to teach an effortless money-making strategy, or a new niche that seems less saturated. Opting for these can sometimes lead to abandoning projects that are more demanding, yet potentially more rewarding, thus hindering personal and professional growth by not pushing through difficulties.

4. The Comparison Game: Social media and professional networks often only show the highlights of someone’s career, omitting the struggles and setbacks that don’t make it to the public eye. This skewed visibility can make our own endeavors—complete with their ups and downs—seem inadequate or doomed by comparison. This feeling of inadequacy can be demoralizing and might push us to prematurely pivot or start new projects, hoping to emulate the success stories we see online. However, this often ignores the unique contexts and hard work behind others’ successes and might lead us away from following through on our own potential paths to success.

5. Boredom Busters: Doing the same thing every day can really kill your motivation and lead to major boredom. This is especially true in creative jobs like low content publishing, where people are usually drawn by the chance to innovate and do exciting stuff. So, it’s no surprise that starting a new project can feel like a breath of fresh air, giving you a break from the routine and adding some much-needed zest to your work. But here’s the catch: if you’re always chasing the next big thing, you might not settle down long enough to really nail anything significant. This could leave you with a bunch of half-finished projects that don’t really showcase your best work.

You might be scratching your head, trying to figure out why you keep hopping from one project to another or procrastinating on finishing the project in front of you. To really get to the bottom of why you’re catching this bug often, it can help to ask yourself a few probing questions. Here’s a breakdown of what to consider:

  1. Assessing Your Satisfaction: Start by really looking at your current projects. Are you actually enjoying them, or are they just a bit of a slog? Sometimes, we might not be truly happy with what we’re doing and are simply longing for something different. This itch for change could be a sign that it’s time to pivot or tweak your approach rather than jump ship entirely.
  2. Understanding Your Emotions: Next, think about what feelings are driving your choices. Are you feeling anxious about not being successful enough? Maybe you’re green with envy seeing others succeed, or you could just be bored out of your mind with the routine. Pinning down these emotions can give you clear insights into why you might be prone to shiny new object syndrome and help you address these feelings constructively.
  3. Revisiting Old Projects: Look back at the projects you’ve put on the back burner. Is there a chance that any of them were abandoned too hastily? Maybe in the rush for new opportunities, you might have left some potentially great ideas in the dust. Giving these projects another look can uncover hidden gems that are worth reviving and can lead to success with a fresh perspective.

By tackling these questions, you can uncover the real reasons behind your shiny new object syndrome, making it easier to manage your focus and direct it towards sustainable success. This isn’t just about making quick fixes but about creating a deeper understanding of your motivations and working habits.

To ensure you stay focused and avoid being sidetracked by shiny new object syndrome, follow these strategies:

1. Goal-Setting Glory: Establish clear goals and devise a straightforward plan of action.
2. Progress Checks: Continuously monitor your progress using measurable indicators of success.
3. Curiosity Corner: If you have a wandering mind, consider pursuing a small side venture that doesn’t interfere with your main project.
4. Knowledge is Power: Never stop learning. Expanding your knowledge increases your chances of success.
5. Realistic Roadmaps: Set achievable goals and map out the steps necessary to reach them.

Shiny New Object SyndromeOvercoming shiny new object syndrome is challenging but entirely possible. With understanding and a solid strategy, you can stay on track and achieve your desired outcomes. Stay committed and persevere, as determination can be just as impressive as innovation. Here’s to maintaining focus and surpassing your targets!